Words and Thoughts

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Thy sight,
O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer.”
Psalm 19:14

In my Bible reading today, I am in Psalm 19.  This is the verse that spoke to my heart and soul.

When I am worrying about something, especially when it is out of my control, then I am not letting the meditation of my heart be acceptable in His sight. When I speak harsh words to my children out of fatigue and frustration, then I am not letting the words of my mouth be acceptable in His sight.

And when I criticize my husband,  then I am not letting the words of my mouth (or the meditation of my heart) be acceptable in His sight.

I will keep this verse in the front of my mind and pause before I speak and choose to trust instead of worry and use my words to build up instead of tear down!

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